Tuesday, 19 August 2014

ASOS #IceBucketChallenge

If you're on any kind of social media platform then you would have heard about the #icebucketchallenge by now. Celebrities are flooding instagram (no pun intended, wink wink) with instavids of them being drenched in ice water in the most random of places. But what you didn't know, perhaps, is that it's all for a good cause! Macmillian Cancer Support (UK) and the ALS Association (USA) set up the challenge in order to help promote awareness of both diseases as well as to raise money to help fund research. 

It was about 4pm in the ASOS office today when a strange email went round... We had been nominated by Boohoo.com to take part in the Ice Bucket Challenge and we had accepted, of course. At 5pm today, ASOSers everywhere gathered outside the front of HQ to watch two of our most loved models, Billy and Tsana, get soaked by ice! In return, ASOS donated £100 to charity.

Recognise these guys...?

I even chatted to Billy just before and he didn't seem nervous at all! 

The guys looking happy as ever just before...

The ice bucket even fell on Tsana... poor girl!

It was a great 15 minutes away from our desk and all done for a good cause!

ASOS have nominated Topshop so watch out - they're next!!


  1. Great Post! I'd love to work in fashion.



  2. This looks so cold! Don't know if I could do that! Great post!


  3. nice post

  4. This is such a good cause, I have loved watching all the ice bucket challenges on Youtube! May have to try and find the ASOS one!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  5. This must have been so much fun! also cool to see the 'backstage' of asos:D
    just found your blog and followed, would you maybe check out ours? X


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